Repository | Catalogue

  • ET-AL Repository
  • 17182 References
  • 482 PDF
  • 109 TEI-XML Full Texts
  • 160 OA links
  • All Publications
  • 164957 References
  • 2038 PDF
  • 486 TEI-XML Full Texts
  • 16340 OA links
  • Phenomenology
  • 2498 Journals
  • 1270 Series
  • 2506 Authors
  • Coverage
  • Early Phenomenology
  • Brentano School
  • Neo-Kantianism
  • Gestalt & empirical psychology



Iulian Apostolescu
Hannah Arendt
Thomas Arnold
Alain Badiou
Gustav Becking
Andrej Belyj
Pierre Bourdieu
Franz Brentano
Osip Brik
Karl Bühler
Judith Butler
Martina Büttner
Celia Cabrera
Emanuele Caminada
Ernst Cassirer
Marco Cavallaro
Paul Celan
Velimir Vladimirovich Chlebnikov
Waldemar Conrad
Giacomo Croci
Katja Crone
Diego D'Angelo
Gilles Deleuze
Pascal Delhom
Jacques Derrida
Kristin Drechsler
Erik Dzwiza-Ohlsen
Sebastian Feldhusen
Eugen Fink
Patrick Flack
Thomas Fuchs
Moritz Geiger
Selin Gerlek
Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Peter Goldie
Rico Gutschmidt
Jürgen Habermas
Philippe Haensler
Nicolai Hartmann
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Martin Heidegger
Steffen Herrmann
Annette Hilt
Elmar Holenstein
Edmund Husserl
Roman Witold Ingarden
Roman Jakobson
Boris Valentinovič Jakovenko
Karl Jaspers
Benjamin Kaiser
Immanuel Kant
Hayden Kee
Aleksej Eliseevič Kručenych
Emmanuel Levinas
Douglas Low
Vladimir Vladimirovič Majakovskij
Kazimir Malevič
Anton Marty
Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk
Marcel Mauss
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Blaise Pascal
Jan Patočka
Damian Peikert
Giovanni Piana
Helmuth Plessner
Evgenij Polivanov
Hendrik Pos
Aleksandr Afanasevič Potebnja
Joachim Raich
Heinrich Rickert
Line Ryberg Ingerslev
Jean-Paul Sartre
Ferdinand de Saussure
Max Ferdinand Scheler
Matthias Schlossberger
Hermann Schmitz
Christina Schües
Marek Jan Siemek
Eduard Sievers
Viktor Šklovskij
Rozalija Osipovna Šor
Gustav Špet
Edith Stein
Michela Summa
Dức Thảo Trần
Nikolaj Sergeevič Trubeckoj
Ernst Tugendhat
Jurij Nikolaevič Tynjanov
Emil Utitz
Paul Valéry
Bernhard Waldenfels


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