Hub Zwart

(2020). Iconoclasm and imagination: Gaston Bachelard's philosophy of technoscience. Human Studies, 43 (1), 61-87.

(2017). Tales of research misconduct: a lacanian diagnostics of integrity challenges in science novels. Dordrecht: Springer.

(2015). A new lease on life: a Lacanian analysis of cognitive enhancement cinema. In M. Hauskeller, T. D. Philbeck & C. D. Carbonell (eds.) The Palgrave handbook of posthumanism in film and television (pp. 214-224). Dordrecht: Springer.

(2002). Philosophical tools and technical solutions. In J. Keulartz, M. Korthals, M. Schermer & T. Swierstra (eds.) Pragmatist ethics for a technological culture (pp. 37-40). Dordrecht: Springer.