Series | Buch


Emotions, language and identity on the margins of Europe

Kyra Giorgi


When a word describing an emotion is said to be untranslatable, is that emotion untranslatable also? This unique study focuses on three word-concepts on the periphery of Europe, providing a wide-ranging survey of national identity and cultural essentialism, nostalgia, melancholy and fatalism, the production of memory and the politics of hope.

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Publication details

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Ort: Basingstoke

Year: 2014

Seiten: 234

Series: Palgrave Studies in the History of Emotions

DOI: 10.1057/9781137403483

ISBN (hardback): 978-1-349-48700-4

ISBN (digital): 978-1-137-40348-3


Giorgi Kyra (2014) Emotions, language and identity on the margins of Europe. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.