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Technological knowledge-that as knowledge-how

a comment

Stephen Hetherington

pp. 567-572

Norström has argued that contemporary epistemological debates about the conceptual relations between knowledge-that and knowledge-how need to be supplemented by a concept of technological knowledge—with this being a further kind of knowledge. But this paper argues that Norström has not shown why technological knowledge-that is so distinctive because Norström has not shown that such knowledge cannot be reduced conceptually to a form of knowledge-how. The paper thus applies practicalism (the conceptual reduction of knowledge-that in general to knowledge-how) to the case of technological knowledge-that. Indeed, the paper shows why Norström's conception of technological knowledge unintentionally strengthens this proposed form of reduction.


DOI: 10.1007/s13347-014-0179-2


Hetherington, S. (2015). Technological knowledge-that as knowledge-how: a comment. Philosophy & Technology 28 (4), pp. 567-572.

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