Reply to J. N. Findlay
pp. 117-119
Professor Findlay's kind and generous comments show that I unfortunately have not been quite as clear in my paper as ought to have been. By "directedness', I tried to mean directedness just in the sense Findlay so nicely describes. This intentional relation to what is present to one's consciousness need not be in the least purposive. References to purposiveness in my text were largely motivated by the character of the occasion on which the paper was originally presented, a symposium on explanation vs. understanding.
Publication details
Published in:
Manninen Juha, Tuomela Raimo (1976) Essays on explanation and understanding: studies in the foundations of humanities and social sciences. Dordrecht, Springer.
Seiten: 117-119
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-010-1823-4_6
Hintikka Jaakko (1976) „Reply to J. N. Findlay“, In: J. Manninen & R. Tuomela (eds.), Essays on explanation and understanding, Dordrecht, Springer, 117–119.