Series | Buch
Event and subjectivity
the question of phenomenology in Claude Romano and Jean-Luc Marion
Event and Subjectivity presents a rich phenomenological analysis of the event in contemporary phenomenology by focussing on the work of Claude Romano and Jean-Luc Marion. Although the event is a major topic of contemporary philosophy, its centrality has not been acknowledged enough in the phenomenological movement. The book starts with the idea that the event cannot find a proper place in Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology and Heidegger’s existential phenomenology. It proposes a phenomenological version of the event that transforms the definition of phenomenon, subjectivity and phenomenology itself in order to do justice to the phenomenality of the event. At the same time, Event and Subjectivity is the first book on Claude Romano’s understanding of phenomenology in English. It also offers a fresh reading of the phenomenology of Jean-Luc Marion by highlighting the phenomenon of the event.
Publication details
Publisher: Brill
Ort: Leiden
Year: 2024
Seiten: 314
Series: Studies in Contemporary Phenomenology
Series volume: 25
ISBN (hardback): 9789004689534
ISBN (digital): 9789004689541
Filiz Kadir (2024) Event and subjectivity: the question of phenomenology in Claude Romano and Jean-Luc Marion. Leiden, Brill.