Zeitschrift | Band | Artikel
Psychologism and metalogic
pp. 179-193
This paper examines two arguments againstpsychologism advanced by Frege andHusserl. The first argument says that thelaws of logic cannot be justified by thelaws of psychology, because the formerand a priori and certain, but the latterare probable only. The second argumentpoints out that the status of logicallaws as universal principles of thinking isnot intelligible on the psychologisticinterpretation of logic. The author tries toshow how to examine both arguments bymetalogical devices.
Publication details
Published in:
Kennedy Juliette, Sandu Paul-Gabriel (2003) History of logic. Synthese 137 (1-2).
Seiten: 179-193
Woleński Jan (2003) „Psychologism and metalogic“. Synthese 137 (1-2), 179–193.