Series | Buch



herausgegeben vonUte Goerling


Psycho-oncology is a thriving discipline in cancer care, and numerous research activities have been undertaken in the endeavour to improve treatment outcomes and to gain a better understanding of the psychosocial consequences of cancer.
This book presents and discusses the latest findings from science and practice for a broad range of psychological and social issues related to cancer and its treatments. Not only are general psychosocial impacts of cancer described, but the very common fear of progression is elucidated. The relevance of psycho-oncology at different stages of disease (during oncological treatment, in rehabilitation, and during palliative care) is explained, and various psycho-oncological interventions are illustrated. Other important topics are the experience of being a cancer survivor, who may be cured but not be healthy, the psychological burden on relatives, and gender differences in coping with cancer. Quality of life and patient-reported outcomes are also commented on since they are among the key benchmarks for successful coping with the diagnosis of cancer, its treatment, and its late effects.The chapters are written by distinguished scientists, however as we often learn most from those affected by cancer one author speaks for herself as a patient.

Details | Inhaltsverzeichnis

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Ort: Dordrecht

Year: 2014

Seiten: 152

Series: Recent Results in Cancer Research

Series volume: 197

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40187-9

ISBN (hardback): 978-3-642-40186-2

ISBN (digital): 978-3-642-40187-9


Goerling Ute (2014) Psycho-oncology. Dordrecht, Springer.