Buch | Kapitel
A Reverse look at Brouwer's fan theorem
pp. 316-325
Classical reverse mathematics is a research programme, started over thirty years ago by Harvey Friedman (Friedman 1975), in which the aim is to place the theorems of large parts (perhaps all?) of mathematics into a number of equivalence classes, the theorems in any given class being equivalent to some natural set-existence principle. Currently, as presented in the compendious text by Simpson (Simpson 1999), five such equivalence classes are used, whose representing set-existence principles can be placed in increasing order of logical complexity. For example, it is known that both the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem on the extraction of convergent subsequences and the Ascoli-Arzelà theorem on compact subsets of function spaces are equivalent to the second principle in that hierarchy (Simpson 1984), Theorem 4.2).
Publication details
Published in:
Boldini Pascal, Bourdeau Michel, Heinzmann Gerhard (2008) One hundred years of intuitionism (1907–2007): the Cerisy conference. Dordrecht, Springer.
Seiten: 316-325
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-7643-8653-5_19
Bridges Douglas (2008) „A Reverse look at Brouwer's fan theorem“, In: P. Boldini, M. Bourdeau & G. Heinzmann (eds.), One hundred years of intuitionism (1907–2007), Dordrecht, Springer, 316–325.