Zeitschrift | Band | Artikel
Le figural entre imagination et perception
pp. 199-220
Whereas in semiotics we have tried to account for the activity of the figurative dimension of meaning as a coherent text deformation, in other knowledge fields, the study of figures of speech and of images, have led to an original design of “figural” as a full dimension of cultures. Whether it was a matter of the relationship between saying and seeing or of the nature and power of images, the “figural” has been designed as a device able to move the boundaries between: speech and desire, rhetoric and esthesia, reality and reference, between the subjectal constitution and the phenomenal donation, between the singular expression as semiotic praxis and stabilization of values over time.
Publication details
Published in:
Bondì Antonino, La Mantia Francesco (2015) Phenomenology and semiotics. Metodo 3 (1).
Seiten: 199-220
De Luca Valeria (2015) „Le figural entre imagination et perception“. Metodo 3 (1), 199–220.