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About nothing
Dale Jacquette
Alexius Meinong, the shepherd of non-being
Vol. 360
Anti-meinongian actualist meaning of fiction in Kripke's 1973 John Locke lectures
Außersein of the pure object
Confessions of a Meinongian logician
Constitutive (nuclear) and extraconstitutive (extranuclear) properties
Domain comprehension in Meinongian object theory
Meditations on Meinong's Golden mountain
Meinong on the phenomenology of assumption
Meinong's concept of implexive being and non-being
Meinong's life and philosophy
Meinongian dark ages and renaissance
Metaphysics of Meinongian aesthetic value
Origins of Gegenstandstheorie
Quantum indeterminacy and physical reality as a relevantly predicationally incomplete existent entity
Reflections on Mally's heresy
Tarski's quantificational semantics and Meinongian object theory domains
Truth and fiction in lewis's critique of Meinongian semantics
Virtual relations and Meinongian abstractions