
PhD-Stelle in Kopenhagen - Center for Subjectivity Research

Mit Beginn 01.01.2018 ist in Kopenhagen, am Center for Subjectivity Research, eine PhD-Stelle für drei Jahre ausgeschrieben. Die Stelle gehört Dan Zahavis neuem Forschungsprojekt an, in dem es um die Phänomenologie der Ich-Du-Beziehung geht und den Namen trägt “You and We: Second-person Engagement and Collective Intentionality”. Die Position ist darauf ausgerichtet, dieses Thema in den frühen phänomenologischen Schriften - vor allem bei Husserl, Stein, Scheler, Walther, Schütz - systematisch so zu rekonstruieren, dass deren Relevanz für die aktuellen Debatten rund um die Zweite-Person-Perspektive und kollektive Intentionalität betont wird. Die Bewerbungsdeadline ist der 15. September, 2017.

Description of the project

A significant number of early phenomenologists (including Husserl, Stein, Scheler, Walther and later Schutz) assigned an important role to the dyadic I-thou relation in their analyses of we-intentionality and communal experiences. The parallels to Buber’s philosophy of dialogue (Buber 1923) might seem obvious, but the systematic focus of the phenomenologists was rather different. Currently, there is no comprehensive account available of these early investigations. The aim of the PhD project is to harvest and systematically reconstruct the early phenomenological writings on the I-thou relation in a way that will highlight and assess their relevance for contemporary discussions of the second-person perspective and collective intentionality.

The candidate must have solid German skills (since many of the central texts remain untranslated). Prior familiarity with phenomenology is also a requirement.

More information about the Center for Subjectivity Research can be found at

For further information please see below and be advised that the Faculty of Humanities reserve the right to administratively dismiss applications which do not adhere to the formal requirements.

Please note that the project proposal including the study plan, figures etc. must not exceed 12,000 characters.

Hier findet sich der Link zur Webseite der Ausschreibung mit allen Informationen zum Bewerbungsprozess.