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A semantical version of the problem of transcendental idealism
Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz
Axiomatic systems from the methodological point of view
Change and contradiction
Conditional statement and material implication
Epistemology and semiotics
Intensional expressions
Interrogative sentences
Language and meaning
Logic and experience
On the applicability of pure logic to philosophical problems
On the meaning of expressions
On the notion of existence
On the problem of universals
Proposition as the connotation of a sentence
Syntactic connexion
Syntactical connections between constituents of declarative sentences
The problem of empiricism and the concept of meaning
The problem of foundation
The problem of the foundation of analytic sentences
The problem of the rationality of non-deductive types of inference
The scientific world-perspective
The scientific world-perspective and other essays
Vol. 108
The world-picture and the conceptual apparatus