Peter Warnek

, 2013, 'The experience of freedom at the limits of reflection in Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology', Chiasmi International 15, 411-429.

, 2009, 'Plato's other (socratic) beginning', Epoché 13 (2), 397-405.

, 2008, 'Bastard reasoning in Schelling's Freiheitsschrift', Epoché 12 (2), 249-267.

, 2004, 'Schelling's second sailing: nature's manifestation and the living word', Epoché 8 (2), 195-214.

, 2003a, 'Teiresias in Athens: Socrates as educator and the kinship of physis in Plato's meno', Epoché 7 (2), 261-289.