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(2015) AUC Interpretationes 5 (1).

L'École de Francfort en France et aux États-Unis

anatomie comparée d'une réception

Clément Rodier

pp. 79-93

While the Frankfurt School was subject to a reception in the United-States, this philosophical movement did not face the same fate in France. The issue of this article is not to answer, in fine, the question ≪ reception or not ? ≫ concerning both countries ; it is to understand two opposite fates. Such an approach is a way to build a theoretical framework for the concept of ≪ reception ≫, and illustrate it in a comparative study.


DOI: 10.14712/24646504.2016.5


Rodier, C. (2015). L'École de Francfort en France et aux États-Unis: anatomie comparée d'une réception. AUC Interpretationes 5 (1), pp. 79-93.

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