(2001) Through the models of writing, Dordrecht, Springer.

Commentary on the book

through the models of writing

John R. Hayes

pp. 229-236

The authors of this volume, Alamargot and Chanquoy, have performed a very valuable service to the scientific community. They have searched out a very large number of theoretical contributions relevant to writing from a variety of fields including cognitive psychology, composition research, speech and linguistics. They have shown where these theoretical contributions complement each other and where they differ. In addition, they have identified topics that require theoretical elaboration on which the available theories are either silent or vague. This distillation of the research literature will help to focus the efforts of researchers already in the field and should be an invaluable aid to those just entering the field.


DOI: 10.1007/978-94-010-0804-4_9


Hayes, J. R. (2001). Commentary on the book: through the models of writing, in Through the models of writing, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 229-236.

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