(2018) Kinesthetic spectatorship in the theatre, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.


Stanton B. Garner

pp. 1-35

The introduction discusses the importance of movement and movement perception to theatrical spectatorship. The idea that humans vicariously enact the intentional movements of others has been developed in dance studies under the rubric "kinesthetic empathy" and by neuroscientists who have studied mirror neurons in monkeys and humans. Integrating phenomenology and the sciences of mind, this book looks at the theatre spectator's kinesthetic engagement with actors in dramatic and non-dramatic performance. As a way of incorporating sensorimotor difference into its account of kinesthetic spectatorship, the book addresses issues of disability and able-bodiedness as these pertain to movement and movement perception. Finally, the introduction advocates the productive collaboration of phenomenology and cognitive science, including recent theories of enaction and embodied cognition.


DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-91794-8_1


Garner, S. B. (2018). Introduction, in Kinesthetic spectatorship in the theatre, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-35.

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