Kevin Conrad

with Barcelos, G. , Gandara, E. , Yousefi, V. , Lucena, F. , Hsu, N. , Valovska, T. , 2018, The background and development of hospital medicine as a specialty globally: the challenges of international hospital medicine, in K. Conrad (ed.), Clinical approaches to hospital medicine, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 271-283.

, 2018a, Hospitalist management of injectable drugs of abuse, in K. Conrad (ed.), Clinical approaches to hospital medicine, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 243-255.

, 2018b, The current state of hospital medicine: trends in compensation, practice patterns, advanced practice providers, malpractice, and career satisfaction, in K. Conrad (ed.), Clinical approaches to hospital medicine, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 259-270.

(ed) , 2018a, Clinical approaches to hospital medicine: advances, updates and controversies, Springer, Dordrecht.