François Ewald

Foucault, M. , 2013, Lectures on the will to know and Oedipal knowledge: lectures at the Collège de France 1970–1971, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.

with Senellart, M. , Fontana, A. , 2008a, 10 january 1979, in M. Senellart, F. Ewald & A. Fontana (eds.), The birth of biopolitics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 1-25.

with Senellart, M. , Fontana, A. , 2008b, 14 february 1979, in M. Senellart, F. Ewald & A. Fontana (eds.), The birth of biopolitics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 129-157.

with Senellart, M. , Fontana, A. , 2008c, 14 march 1979, in M. Senellart, F. Ewald & A. Fontana (eds.), The birth of biopolitics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 215-237.

with Senellart, M. , Fontana, A. , 2008d, 17 january 1979, in M. Senellart, F. Ewald & A. Fontana (eds.), The birth of biopolitics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 27-50.

with Senellart, M. , Fontana, A. , 2008e, 21 february 1979, in M. Senellart, F. Ewald & A. Fontana (eds.), The birth of biopolitics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 159-184.

with Senellart, M. , Fontana, A. , 2008f, 21 march 1979, in M. Senellart, F. Ewald & A. Fontana (eds.), The birth of biopolitics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 239-265.

with Senellart, M. , Fontana, A. , 2008g, 24 january 1979, in M. Senellart, F. Ewald & A. Fontana (eds.), The birth of biopolitics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 51-73.

with Senellart, M. , Fontana, A. , 2008h, 28 march 1979, in M. Senellart, F. Ewald & A. Fontana (eds.), The birth of biopolitics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 267-289.

with Senellart, M. , Fontana, A. , 2008i, 31 january 1979, in M. Senellart, F. Ewald & A. Fontana (eds.), The birth of biopolitics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 75-100.

with Senellart, M. , Fontana, A. , 2008j, 4 april 1979, in M. Senellart, F. Ewald & A. Fontana (eds.), The birth of biopolitics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 291-316.

with Senellart, M. , Fontana, A. , 2008k, 7 february 1979, in M. Senellart, F. Ewald & A. Fontana (eds.), The birth of biopolitics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 101-128.

with Senellart, M. , Fontana, A. , 2008l, 7 march 1979, in M. Senellart, F. Ewald & A. Fontana (eds.), The birth of biopolitics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 185-213.

with Defert, D. , Gros, F. (eds) , 2008, Foucault: Introduction à l'Anthropologie & Kant: Anthropologie d'un point de vue pragmatique, Vrin, Paris.

with Senellart, M. , Fontana, A. (eds) , 2008a, The birth of biopolitics: lectures at the collège de morality, 1978–1979, Springer, Dordrecht.

Foucault, M. , 1994a, Dits et écrits: 1954-1988, Gallimard, Paris.

Foucault, M. , 1994b, Dits et écrits II: 1970-1975, ed. Ewald François, Defert Daniel, Gallimard, Paris.

, 1991, Eine Macht ohne Draußen, in F. Ewald & B. Waldenfels (Hrsg.), Spiele der Wahrheit, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, pp. 163-170.

with Waldenfels, B. , 1991, Vorwort, in F. Ewald & B. Waldenfels (Hrsg.), Spiele der Wahrheit, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, pp. 7-14.

with Waldenfels, B. (eds) , 1991a, Spiele der Wahrheit: Michel Foucaults Denken, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main.