Knox Peden

, 2014, Spinoza contra phenomenology: French rationalism from cavaillès to Deleuze, Stanford University Press, Stanford.

with Hallward, P. , 2012, Preface, in P. Hallward & K. Peden (eds.), Concept and form II, London, Verso, pp. vi-viii.

, 2012, The fate of the concept, in P. Hallward & K. Peden (eds.), Concept and form II, London, Verso.

with Hallward, P. (eds) , 2012, Concept and form II: Interviews and essays on cahiers pour l'analyse, Verso, London.

, 2008a, Gilles Deleuze: from Hume to Spinoza(an attempt to make good on a Popkin request), in , The legacies of Richard Popkin, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 57-70.