Krystyna Pomorska

, 1968, Russian formalist theory and its poetic ambiance, Mouton, The Hague.

with Matejka, L. , 1971, Readings in Russian poetics: formalist and structuralist views, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

, 1977, Roman Jakobson and the new poetics, in C. Van Schooneveld & D. Armstrong, Roman Jakobson, Lisse, Peter de Ridder, pp. 363-378.

with Jakobson, R. , 1983, Dialogues, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

, 1983, 'A semiotic approach to the "literature of fact": Majakovskij's poem "To comrade Nette"', The American Journal of Semiotics 2, 71-87.

, 1984, 'Roman Jakobson (October 11, 1896–July 18, 1982)', The Polish Review 29 (4), 43-56.

Jakobson, R. , 1985, Verbal art, verbal sign, verbal time, ed. Rudy Stephen, Pomorska Krystyna, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.

, 1987, Introduction, in R. Jakobson, Language in literature, Boston, Beacon Press, pp. 1-11.

with Ettinger Chodakowska, E. , Mclean, H. , Vine, B. (eds) , 1987, Language, poetry and poetics - the generation of the 1890s: Jakobson, Trubetzkoy, Majakovskij, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin-New York-Amsterdam.

Jakobson, R. , 1987a, Language and literature, ed. Pomorska Krystyna; Rudy Stephen, Belknap Press, Cambridge, Mass.

Jakobson, R. , 1987b, Language in literature, ed. Rudy Stephen; Pomorska Krystyna, Beacon Press, Boston.