Stefan Schmidt

(2023). Der gestaltete Ort: Entwurf einer phänomenologischen Topologie des Designs. Phänomenologische Forschungen – Neue Folge, 2023 (1), 67-86.

(2017). Die Monade in biologischer Hinsicht: Heideggers Phänomenologie des Lebendigen. Heidegger Studies, 33, 77-92.

(2016). Grund und Freiheit: Eine phänomenologische Untersuchung des Freiheitsbegriffs Heideggers. Dordrecht: Springer.

with Walach, H. (2016). Making sense in the medical system: placebo, biosemiotics, and the pseudomachine. In F. Goli (Ed.). Biosemiotic medicine (pp. 195-215). Dordrecht: Springer.

(2014). Drang als Konstitutivum der Faktizität des Lebendigen. AUC Interpretationes, 4 (1), 112-128.

(2014). Opening up meditation for science: the development of a meditation classification system. In S. Schmidt, & H. Walach (Eds.). Meditation (pp. 137-152). Dordrecht: Springer.

with Walach, H. (2014). Introduction: laying out the field of meditation research. In S. Schmidt, & H. Walach (Eds.). Meditation (pp. 1-6). Dordrecht: Springer.

with Trautwein, F. , Raúl Naranjo, J. (2014). Meditation effects in the social domain: self-other connectedness as a general mechanism?. In S. Schmidt, & H. Walach (Eds.). Meditation (pp. 175-198). Dordrecht: Springer.

with Wittmann, M. (2014). Mindfulness meditation and the experience of time. In S. Schmidt, & H. Walach (Eds.). Meditation (pp. 199-209). Dordrecht: Springer.

with Walach, H. (eds) (2014). Meditation: neuroscientific approaches and philosophical implications. Dordrecht: Springer.

(2013). Das Geschehen der Freiheit: Heideggers ontologischer Freiheitsbegriff. In D. D'angelo, S. Gourdain, & T. Keiling (Eds.). Frei sein, frei handeln (pp. 76–93). Freiburg-München: Alber.

(2011). Mindfulness in East and West – is it the same?. In H. Walach, S. Schmidt, & W. B. Jonas (Eds.). Neuroscience, consciousness and spirituality (pp. 23-38). Dordrecht: Springer.

with Walach, H. , Jonas, W. B. (eds) (2011). Neuroscience, consciousness and spirituality. Dordrecht: Springer.